Integrated Learning Presentation

Blog Title: Integrated Learning Presentation

I have presented my narrative using…Imovie

I worked with…Adain king

My narrative showed empathy by...Orange slice was sad for Gargemel when he got put into jail with him.

The thing I enjoyed most about this learning was…how to create a movie a little better.

Something I learnt about Myths and Legends was...
the guy (Perseus) who took off Madusa's head was a legend because Perseus was a hero.

Pysical education 4.9.17

In P.E Some of have been going out of school leaving the rest of to do the in school program .
we all had to try out for sports to get into a team but more year 6's go into the teams.

we did a sheet at the end to show how kind of positive we were towards sport.

So What
Sport has now ended and we get to do it again next year.